• Red Metal Wall Art by Cherie

    Red Metal Wall Art by Cherie

    Sometimes the best art is the boldest art. Sometimes you need a color that just pops. I’ve been making art…

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  • Sneak Peak

    Sneak Peak

    Take a look at some of my latest colors and patterns, fresh for Fall and Winter 2020!

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  • New Website Design

    The world has been changing this year. A lot. In order to adapt with it, we have been working hard…

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  • Changes of Plans

    It looks like, at least right now, all of the art shows and festivals that I had hoped to attend…

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  • Visit me in Saganworks

    Visit me in Saganworks

    The new online virtual gallery for Art & Element lets anyone browse metal artwork from Cherie Haney from their own…

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  • Hanging Artwork 102

    Last week I gave some quick tips about how to choose a location for your artwork. Now we have a…

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